Amber: Las Vegas was more enjoyable for its warm weather than its atmosphere. We had fun seeing the excess of the hotels, watching the fountains at the Bellagio and walking the strip, but everything got pretty old after a couple days. The Grand Canyon was quite the opposite, though. We could have stood at the south rim for weeks and never grown tired of the view. Of course, Sam seemed fairly sleepy no matter where we were.
Cliff: I lost $8 total in Las Vegas. From what I could observe, this amounted to a successful couple of days. I spent much of last week reading a book about some MIT whiz kids who took the Vegas casinos for millions; that book was enough to convince me that I was neither smart enough nor daring enough to play for big stakes. And I kept looking for penny ante poker, but such games were strangely absent. Oh well. The Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon more than made up for any Vegas disappointments. Of course, Sam seemed fairly sleepy no matter where we were.
Sam: Mom and Dad keep going on and on about this Grand Canyon. You know what? It's a big hole in the ground. Period. But Vegas was pretty sweet. We're talking bright shiny lights, lots of pretty ladies, plenty of nobs and levers, and enough pavement for me to cruise in the stroller 24-7. Vegas was totally made for people my age...that's why my parents just don't get it.